Finally Revealed! The Amazing System To Develop Extraordinary Self Confidence… in Just 30 Minutes A Day!

How The “World’s Biggest Loser” Developed Unshakeable Self Confidence Even When She Had Self-Doubts, Insecurities, And Deep Dark Secrets…

Dear Seeker of Extraordinary Confidence,

Do you ever feel like you don’t have “enough” self-confidence that it’s stopping you from achieving your fullest potential?

Like there’s an inner voice that ALWAYS doubts you? That makes you critical about your own abilities and makes you think that there’s a better person than you?

Or maybe you just don’t know how to say ‘No’ because sometimes, you fear that you’ll hurt someone else’s feelings? And because of that, people tend to abuse your kindness?

I know how it feels like.

You’ve searched for answers, read the books, asked around, and watched some videos. Maybe you’ve even enrolled in some self-confidence workshop that gets you motivated…

Until you go back to the real world and self-doubt kicks in. Then you try the techniques they taught but you realized that it doesn’t work.

The reason is because you can’t change overnight. You can’t expect immediate transformation after attending a motivational talk or confidence workshop.

Self-doubt and insecurities are “deeply embedded” in your brain that using some techniques you learned from a book or a seminar won’t really work.

Fact is, doing that is counterproductive. Here’s why: You’re working AGAINST your brain. Yet confidence gurus and experts sell you the idea that their programs are the magic bullets that will finally make you confident.

It won’t.

Instead of working against your brain and forcing yourself to be confident, you should work WITH your brain. That means taking advantage of your mind so you can have long-term changes.

Did you know? Confidence is a habit. And studies prove that it takes 66 days or 3 to 4 months to break a habit and create a new one.

It takes constant practice, a series of applying the right principles, and an effective system to change your confidence.

On the other hand, forcing techniques that don’t work only strengthens your self-doubt. You’ll try something out. Find out it doesn’t work. And the voice of doubt and insecurities will kick in.

The result? You’re back to a self-defeating cycle that lowers your self-esteem.

I know because I’ve been there. In fact…

I Was The “World’s Biggest Loser”

For more than 20 years, my life was miserable. My marriage was imperfect. My parenting style was a failure. My financial problems drained me. And I lived life with the wrong purpose.

In fact, I had adulterous relationships, I was full of anger, and I used people just to hide my insecurities.

I wanted to change. But I couldn’t do it.

I read books, bought a lot of different courses, and enrolled in coaching and mentoring. But nothing happened. I still felt unconfident and miserable. And I was still not living a fulfilled life.

But when I finally discovered the key to having a purposeful empowered life, I embraced it. It has transformed my life and I want it to transform yours too.

Right now, I’m a Certified International Image Consultant, soft-skills expert, and a transformational coach. I’ve taught thousands of people how to be extraordinarily confident by transforming their image.

In fact, after working with people, they tell me they can now walk with their heads up high. They feel good about themselves. They can communicate clearly and people listen to them. All because they developed extraordinary confidence.

“But Toni, What’s The Difference Between Confidence and Extraordinary Confidence?”

A lot of people will tell you that confidence comes from power dressing, better etiquette, or likable body language. I believe it’s just half of the story. Yes, these things add to confidence. But if you want to be successful, Extraordinary Confidence is a MUST

Extraordinary confidence starts from within. It comes from discovering and understanding the true source of confidence. It’s the kind of confidence that you can’t contain. Once you have it, it naturally shows!

It’s the kind of confidence that doesn’t go away – no matter what’s happening around you. It’s the confidence that will help you be more successful and achieve your full potential. 

At work when your colleagues and bosses see you

At home when you’re with your family

At school when you’re expected to step up

At churches

On your presentations, meetings, and closing deals

Imagine having extraordinary confidence in your life. What positive results will it bring you in your work or school? In your family? In your business? What opportunities will now be open to you that were previously unavailable?

Unshakeable self-esteem comes from an uncluttered heart. That means learning to be honest about who you are, facing deep issues within, and living authentically.

But the truth is, it’s hard to develop this kind of confidence all on your own. With all the mental, emotional, and sometimes financial abuses from your environment, it almost feels impossible.

You’re forced to face your emotional issues and limiting beliefs. Sometimes, these issues go as deep as your childhood experiences. And without a group that will support you and goes through the journey with you, it doesn’t seem doable.

I want to help you develop extraordinary self-confidence.

As a certified image consultant and transformation coach, it’s my mission to help you discover your true potential. So you can succeed and live a fulfilled life.

Here’s what you’ll get in this course

  • 21 Guided lesson videos

    A total of 15 hours and 33 minutes worth of valuable self rediscovery lessons to help you REINVENT yourself and build your self-esteem through a better self-image. You will discover the true source of confidence, be empowered to find and enjoy freedom and maximize your potential.

  • 19 Assignments & Worksheets

    Your responses to reflection questions will form part of the course requirements, as well as other required submissions. This will help you achieve maximized learning experience.

  • 20 Bible Devotionals

    Receive daily bible verses and devotionals that you can reflect on daily as you learn more about yourself.

  • VIP Access to our mastermind group

    Gain access to a community of like-minded individuals who supports each other in becoming a #RADIANTINFLUENCER

  • Coupon discount to other Radiance Image Online Courses

    Avail of VIP exclusive discounts from our RADIANCE ONLINE SCHOOL leadership courses!

The 21-Day Developing Extraordinary Self-Confidence Through Minimalism Online Bootcamp

This Extraordinary Self-Confidence Bootcamp is designed to help you unleash your true potentials. People who have seen me speak, train, or shared my story have been requesting this.

And now, it’s finally happening.

You see, it’s my dream to help people reinvent themselves and develop their self-esteem not just through image. But by knowing what confidence really is and where it really comes from.

In this Extraordinary Confidence Online Bootcamp, you’ll:

a. discover the TRUE source of confidence that unleashes the extraordinary; 
b. gain and exercise freedom from past negative experiences that affect confidence level; 
c. maximize the potential of achieving a dream that attracts a fulfilled life regardless of the environment; d. discover ways to crush self-doubt and handle negative emotions the right way; 
e. develop assertiveness and harness the power of saying ‘No’ without offending or hurting other people’s feelings; 
f. discover different techniques to quiet the sneaky voice of negativity and the inner critic in the mind; and 
g. manage irrational fears and undervaluing permanently by discovering the truth that is rooted in identity.

Every day, for 21 days, you can access it “on-demand”. You only have to allot 30 minutes a day learning and digest each lesson. You will also be given assignments for maximum learning and application.  You will definitely love this blended type of learning journey!

So why 21 Days and not 66 (to build your habit)? Because I don’t want to overwhelm you with information. What you’ll learn is actionable information that can immediately change your life.

Course curriculum

Experience our unique holistic learning experience.

  • 2

    MODULE 1: Awareness

    • Session 1: Understanding the concept of Extraordinary Confidence

    • Session 2: The Concept of Self-AWARENESS

    • Session 3 The Benefits of FEEDBACK

    • Session 4: My Secrets

    • Session 5: Understanding my Source of Confidence

    • Session 6: Understanding My Distorted View of Confidence

    • Session 7A: Embracing My Image Story

    • Session 7B: My Personal Image Story Testimony

    • Session 7C: My 700 Club Asia Feature Story

  • 3

    MODULE 2 : Admission

    • Session 8: My Behavior

    • Session 9: I Have No Power Over My Crazy Cycle

    • Session 10: My Identity

    • Session 10: Upload Your Assignment

    • Session 11: My Real Enemy

    • Session 12: The Truth About Me

    • Session 12B: Watch "I KNOW WHO I AM" and UPLOAD YOUR ASSIGNMENT

    • Session 13: My Need to Let Go


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    MODULE 3: Action

    • Session 14: Extraordinary Confidence to Declutter My Heart

    • Session 14: Upload Your Assignment

    • Session 15: Extraordinary Confidence to Live With The Essentials

    • Session 16: Extraordinary Confidence to Strengthen Family Relationships

    • Session 16B: Upload Your Assignment

    • Session 17: Extraordinary Confidence to Look Good Through Minimalism

    • Session 17B: Upload Your Assignment

    • Session 18: Extraordinary Confidence to Achieve Freedom in Your Finances

    • Session 18B Upload Your Assignment

    • Session 19: Extraordinary Confidence to Have Time Management

    • Session 19B: Upload Your Assignment

    • SESSION 20: Inspiring Legacy of Extraordinary Confidence


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    Next steps

    • Before you go, kindly fill up this evaluation survey.

You Now Have Two Choices

  • Choice #1: Do nothing and stay the same

    You’ll go on with your life, just as how you’re living right now. You’ll continue to look for answers, and who knows? In a few years (if you don’t give up), maybe you’ll finally discover the secret to have extraordinary confidence.

  • Choice #2: Allow me and my community to help you develop Extraordinary Confidence

    You only invest $27 to start developing your extraordinary self-confidence. You’ll get access to a proven system that works. Plus, you have a community of people who are willing to walk with you and support you all the way.

Your Instructor

Learn from our soft-skills expert and International Image Consultant

Toni Miranda, AICI CIC

Toni helps to future-proof leaders by strengthening their impact and influence, improve business relationships, and increase productivity through professional soft-skills development programs and keynote. She is a world-certified Image Strategist, Executive Coach, and Transformational Speaker with over 20 years of experience in the corporate world and retail industry. She currently holds an International Certification of Certified Image Consultant from the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI-CIC). She is also a Certified Points of You Practitioner in the Philippines and a Haggai International Leader. Toni is also the Chief Leadership Development and Training officer of WELLife Philippines and the Founder and President of Radiance Image Consultancy. When she is not working, she is volunteering as the President-Elect of the Philippine Association of Professional Speakers and Board Member of the Network for Enterprising Women. Toni maintains her minimalist lifestyle blog, She also volunteers as a life coach and marriage counselor together with her husband in their church ministry. She is a joyful wife and a fulfilled mother.

Here’s What People Are Saying About The 21-Day Extraordinary Confidence Bootcamp

I will always go back to this lesson to be reminded


Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ for using you to be an instrument for me to remove all the wrong mindset of self confidence. I was so inspired how God gave you brutal confidence to be out in the sins you were hiding before. I will always go back to this lesson to always be reminded of the importance of awareness, admission and action to be a more effective Counselor.

An all-in-one package!

Allen Ong Dilig

This is it ! This is an excellent program that I attended. I am always excited to join. The program fed me spiritually, mentally, emotionally. It was an all-in-one package.

What a way to come out from this lockdown period

Jovi Ariane Pagalunan

I was very shy and hesitant. But after going through the sessions, I came to realize my confidence should only come from one source and that is Christ. I feel like I’m a change being. What a way to come out from this lockdown period. Thank you so much Ms Toni Miranda!

This course helped me realize that it is never too late to start all over again

Athena D. Awayan-Lat M.D.

This 21 days Extraordinary Confidence Program has helped me realize that it is never too late to start all over again. We should learn how to face our fears, admit all our mistakes and wrongdoings, be objective why we committed them, and learn how these experiences affect our current stance. Only by then, we can realize that these circumstances are merely blessings in disguise so as to be a better version of yourself with the help of God's Grace.

Live and raw all represent the extraordinary confidence

Yuliana Wisna Simarmata

The course has opened my self awareness, my distorted view of confidence and found the truth and eternal source of confidence. The course also taught me how to walk the confidence. Being honest, knowing the abilities and accepting the limitation are the character of people with extraordinary confidence. The posting assignment and comment are one of the practices of being confidence. The way Ms. Toni brought the online course, her eye contact, body gesture, voice of tone, appearance, Live and raw all represent the extraordinary confidence. Those were teaching and encouraging me to be confidence.


Discover How The “World’s Biggest Loser” Developed Unshakeable Self Confidence Even When She Had Self-Doubts, Insecurities, And Deep Dark Secrets…

Local Payment Options


Avail 21 DAYS DEVELOPING EXTRAORDINARY CONFIDENCE THROUGH MINIMALISM with our PHILIPPINE LOCAL PAYMENT OPTIONS through BPI, BDO or GCASH. You can also email proof of payment, name, email, and company/organization to [email protected] Wait for our confirmation and your access within 24 to 48 hours. Register here.


  • I am doing pretty well in my life and career. Will this boot camp still benefit me?

    ABSOLUTELY! We are all a work in progress. Whether you are feeling hopeless or you are doing great, the program can still help you. Our exercises are designed to empower your life.

  • What do I need to prepare?

    You need to prepare the following to attend this boot camp: - An active email account: Your 21day journey will send you regular email notifications to keep you on track. - An exclusive notebook and a stable internet connection to view and learn from the lessons. - An open mind and open heart to unlearn and relearn with us and the willingness to participate.

  • When is the virtual boot camp happening?

    You can join anytime as this is an ongoing online boot camp course. You will be given access to videos “on-demand”.

  • I am just a student, what is the age limit and can I enroll?

    Yes, definitely! This boot camp is ideal for 14 years old and above. It is great to start on the right foot. It will help you go through the right path by having the right view of how to develop your extraordinary confidence.

  • I’d like to be a sponsor for others in this boot camp. How does it work?

    Yay! Thank you for your generosity. We’d love to have you as a sponsor! Please send us an email here: [email protected] to discuss the details or you can simply enroll others and sponsor this course for them.

  • Can I pay through GCASH and local Bank Transfer in the Philippines?

    Yes absolutely! You can pay through the following: 1. BPI RADIANCE IMAGE CONSULTANCY AND TRAINING INC. DEPOSIT TO Current Account BPI 8430-0138-91 2. BDO Marie Antoniette Miranda 008020034922 3. GCASH Marie Antoniette Miranda ‭+63 908 883 8658‬ Email proof of payment to [email protected] or fill up this link to register


GRAB our REINVENT YOURSELF BOOT CAMP bundle rate for only $87 (3in1)

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