Dear Seeker of Extraordinary Confidence,
Do you ever feel like you don’t have “enough” self-confidence that it’s stopping you from achieving your fullest potential?
Like there’s an inner voice that ALWAYS doubts you? That makes you critical about your own abilities and makes you think that there’s a better person than you?
Or maybe you just don’t know how to say ‘No’ because sometimes, you fear that you’ll hurt someone else’s feelings? And because of that, people tend to abuse your kindness?
I know how it feels like.
You’ve searched for answers, read the books, asked around, and watched some videos. Maybe you’ve even enrolled in some self-confidence workshop that gets you motivated…
Until you go back to the real world and self-doubt kicks in. Then you try the techniques they taught but you realized that it doesn’t work.
The reason is because you can’t change overnight. You can’t expect immediate transformation after attending a motivational talk or confidence workshop.
Self-doubt and insecurities are “deeply embedded” in your brain that using some techniques you learned from a book or a seminar won’t really work.
Fact is, doing that is counterproductive. Here’s why: You’re working AGAINST your brain. Yet confidence gurus and experts sell you the idea that their programs are the magic bullets that will finally make you confident.
It won’t.
Instead of working against your brain and forcing yourself to be confident, you should work WITH your brain. That means taking advantage of your mind so you can have long-term changes.
Did you know? Confidence is a habit. And studies prove that it takes 66 days or 3 to 4 months to break a habit and create a new one.
It takes constant practice, a series of applying the right principles, and an effective system to change your confidence.
On the other hand, forcing techniques that don’t work only strengthens your self-doubt. You’ll try something out. Find out it doesn’t work. And the voice of doubt and insecurities will kick in.
The result? You’re back to a self-defeating cycle that lowers your self-esteem.
I know because I’ve been there. In fact…
I Was The “World’s Biggest Loser”
For more than 20 years, my life was miserable. My marriage was imperfect. My parenting style was a failure. My financial problems drained me. And I lived life with the wrong purpose.
In fact, I had adulterous relationships, I was full of anger, and I used people just to hide my insecurities.
I wanted to change. But I couldn’t do it.
I read books, bought a lot of different courses, and enrolled in coaching and mentoring. But nothing happened. I still felt unconfident and miserable. And I was still not living a fulfilled life.
But when I finally discovered the key to having a purposeful empowered life, I embraced it. It has transformed my life and I want it to transform yours too.
Right now, I’m a Certified International Image Consultant, soft-skills expert, and a transformational coach. I’ve taught thousands of people how to be extraordinarily confident by transforming their image.
In fact, after working with people, they tell me they can now walk with their heads up high. They feel good about themselves. They can communicate clearly and people listen to them. All because they developed extraordinary confidence.