Everyone has been given one life to live. The question is how are you living the life you were given?
Unfortunately, many people think that they are maximizing their potential but are actually falling behind or missing out on precious opportunities. The reasons are endless: your life is full of clutter, you’re too busy to sort things out, or you just don’t know the purpose of your life.
Fortunately, it’s not too late to turn your life around. The best part is you can do it in just SEVEN DAYS.
Hi, I’m Toni Miranda, a professional life coach and image consultant dedicated to helping others improve their lifestyles through simple and minimalistic living. As a former workaholic and shopaholic, I know how it feels to have everything that you want and still feel meaningless or lacking. But by the grace of the Lord, I’ve transformed my life by turning over a new page.
I no longer live a confusing and cluttered life. Now, I move forward with purpose. And I want you to experience the same thing by asking you to join our 7 RADIANT DAYS program.
7 RADIANT DAYS: Simplify and Shine!
7 RADIANT DAYS is a program that aims to do the following:
- Help you understand what minimalistic living means and how it can benefit your life.
- Bring a better understanding of your values and goals.
- De-clutter your home and your life so you can move forward without distractions.
- Define your priorities so you can focus on what matters the most.
- Inspire you to take small yet practical steps to improve your relationships with family and friends.
- Improve your outlook in life.
- Empower you to write a better version of your life story.
When you join the program you’ll receive seven (7) guided lessons, a 7 RADIANT DAYS workbook plus discounted VIP coupons to 21 Days to Developing Extraordinary Confidence and Influential Leadership Masterclass programs.
The 7 RADIANT DAYS program is a journey designed to encourage you to dig deeper and learn more about yourself: your strengths and weaknesses, your fears and dreams, as well as the distractions that keep you from living a radiant life.